The 2022 elections must return strong majorities to the House and Senate who are dedicated to safeguarding the rights of all American citizens, rebuilding trust in public service, and restoring confidence in the United States around the globe. To that end, the Steady State group of former national security professionals is announcing today our first endorsements of outstanding candidates, including Dave Harden, who share our values, our commitment to America, and have strong national security experience.

Dave Harden ( is seeking election to the U.S. House of Representatives from the First Congressional District of Maryland. Mr. Harden grew up in rural Maryland and returned to his roots with his family after a long, successful career advancing U.S. and global security.

Dave Harden’s contributions to our security began right after he graduated from college, when he joined the Peace Corps, serving in Botswana. After his return, he earned a Master’s degree in political science at Columbia University and a Juris Doctor at Georgetown University. In 1998, he joined the Foreign Service, rising to the rank of Minister Counselor in the Senior Foreign Service. President Obama nominated and the Senate confirmed Dave as Assistant Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development. Dave retired from the Senior Foreign Service in 2018. At that time, President Trump awarded him the Presidential Award for Distinguished Service, the highest Foreign Service award, “for sustained extraordinary accomplishment in the conduct of foreign policy.”

After Dave left the Foreign Service, he continued his work for the nation and the world in the private sector, as founder and Managing Director of the Georgetown Strategy Group. The Group seeks to promote trade and investment, advance security and stability and foster economic opportunity at home and abroad. His extensive experience in the political, economic, and defense aspects of national security will be a great asset to the Congress.

Founded after the 2016 Presidential election, the Steady State now includes over 200 national security professionals. Steady State members include former intelligence officers, specialists in defense policy, diplomats, and Congressional staff. We are pleased to endorse Dave Harden and other candidates for the House and Senate who will continue to work tirelessly to strengthen America’s democracy and place in the world.
