Policies, Not Partisanship

The members of The Steady State are former U.S. officials who served throughout our country’s national security infrastructure in areas such as intelligence, defense policy, diplomacy, law enforcement, and as Congressional staff. Please view our distinguished members below, and contact us to learn more about our activities.

If you have served in a U.S. intelligence, security, or diplomatic agency; as a Congressional staffer with a national intelligence portfolio; or are an academic in the field, please complete the Join Us application.

Steering Committee

Brigham Blase Bechtel, Former CIA Intelligence Officer; Station Chief
Christy Carter, Former CIA Intelligence Officer
Ned Foley Carmody,
Former CIA Intelligence Officer, Directorate of Operations
Greg Delawie, Ambassador (Ret.)
Prof. Gail Helt, Former CIA Intelligence Officer
Margaret Henoch, Retired CIA Senior Intelligence Service officer
Dr. Susan J Koch, Former Senior Executive Service